What I'm up to now

Last update: []. Great fall weather, about 20℃. I'm still farming college assignments. They get boring sometimes, but I would rather have this than mandatory attendance on every class I take.

Self hosting

I experimented with some self hosting this summer. I host this website, my email and my contacts and calendar with radicale. I tried hosting a nextcloud instance at some point, but after using like 10% of its features I realized I could use easier solutions. I still think it is an amazing project and is worth using if you can take advantage of what it has to offer.


5th (out of 7) semester of computer engineering (@BME). This semester you are required to choose a specialization (sub-major in the US?) to dive a bit deeper into one area of computer science. There was software engineering, data science and networking with some slight variations depending on which department you choose. I chose software engineering, because it was the most flexible option and it's backend course builds on top of databases which I liked a lot.

Deutsch lernen

I learned some German in highschool but unfortunately don't remember much of it. This time I'm taking a more structured approach inspired by Livakivi, but with German instead of Japanese. This means:

I'm curious how this approach will work for me. I don't rush it, the most important thing is to be consistent.