Hello World!

The site is live! I've been procrastinating on going live for a while now. One of the reasons was that I wanted to use an ssg like hugo for this. In the end I decided to just go full manual and edit everything myself, the reason being that it isn't really that much work and I usually like to use the simplest thing for the job. When the need arises, I'll consider more sophisticated tooling.

Why a website?

I had this dilemma where I wanted to have some online presence, but using social media sites felt like constant surveillance and way too much noise. These sites have to appeal to the lowest common denominator to be popular, unfortunately. Yes, they collect (a lot of) data. A huge privacy problem, but that is not my main point (I am aware of sites like Mastodon). I wanted to have peace of mind without algorithms, doomscrolling and AI slop. I don't care about monetization or popularity: this is for me, and whoever is interested in reading my ramblings. Plus platforms come and go. This is a long-term project, so here I am.